Furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to provide additional lighting in the museum, lighting control modification and additional exterior monument lighting at the Donner Memorial State Park in Nevada County, CA.
Donner Memorial State Park Lighting Upgrade
Owner: State of California, Department of Parks & Recreation
Date of Completion: June 15, 2015
Contract Amount: $63,163.00
Contact: Bill Johnson (916) 445-8763
Redid the City’s 5 sanitary sewer lift stations to comply with current electrical codes, OSHA standards & industry design level. Added new electrical controls, SCADA systems, PG&E service updates, force main pipe bursting, new & improved lift station structures & other upgrades such as piping, pumps, flow meters, etc.
Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations Rebuild
Owner: City of Sunnyvale
Date of Completion: June 11, 2015
Contract Amount: $999,900.00
Contact: Michael Ballard (408) 730-7618
Replaced an existing water treatment plant, including demolition of existing facilities, site work, construction of new masonry block treatment building, construction of new cast-in-place concrete reclamation basin, construction of new masonry block booster pump building, installation of filtration equipment, pumping equipment, chemical metering equipment, electrical instrumentation and controls at 112 Lavezzola Road, Downieville, CA 95936.
Downieville Treatment Plant Replacement
Owner: Downieville Public Utility District
Date of Completion: March 2015
Contract Amount: $1,523,617
Contact: Richard Melim (530) 274-3566
Involved reconstruction of the existing sewer lift station – temporary bypass of sewer flows, the demolition and removal of the existing lift station and wet well, and the installation of a new wet well, new pumps, new controls, new piping, a new manhole, a new generator, new overflow tanks, new block walls and chain link fencing, new sidewalk, new curb and gutter – completed, tested, and operational installation of the sewer lift station.
Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations Rebuild
Owner: City of Sunnyvale
Date of Completion: June 11, 2015
Contract Amount: $999,900.00
Contact: Michael Ballard (408) 730-7618
Involved all things necessary for replacement of pump stations 2000A motor control center, three diesel engine pump controls, PLC control system, station lighting, and main breaker upgrades. The main breaker upgrades include the installation of remote breaker actuation and arc flash reduction systems.
Owner: Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District
Date of Completion: November 2014
Contract Amount: $1,067,111.50
Contact: Kirk Howard 707-428-9155
Installed pump equipment and pump station improvements for the Town of Discovery Bay Community Services District. Project consisted of civil site work (earthwork, trenching, and piping), site mechanical work (pump and piping install), site electrical and instrumentation (electrical and instrumentation equipment, conduit, and wiring), concrete structures, and associated miscellaneous improvements.
Discovery Bay Pump Station F Rehabilitation
Owner: Town of Discovery Bay Community Service District
Date of Completion: October 2014
Contract Amount: $425,147
Contact: Virgil Koehne (925) 634-1733
Provide labor and materials to install new Owner supplied Daktronics scoreboard, including the following: Remove existing scoreboard, setup and pour footings/mounts, provide and install new columns, and install new scoreboard.
Sacramento City College Baseball Scoreboard
Owner: Los Rios Community College District
Date of Completion: October 2014
Contract Amount: $10,000
Contact: Greg Hayman (916) 558-2111
Booster Pump Station Upgrades included install of two new vertical turbine pumps, connection piping, control systems, electrical improvements, and site restoration. Connected the new pumps to existing water mains, installing a new magnetic flow meter in a new below-grade vault, carrying out existing electrical system modifications, extending the electrical to deliver power to two new pumps and their variable frequency drives, constructed enclosure around the pumps, erecting new chain link fencing and gates, and implemented traffic control and water pollution control.
Antioch Cambridge Booster Pump Station
Owner: City of Antioch
Date of Completion: July 2014
Contract Amount: $674,992
Contact: Scott Buenting (925) 779-6129
Construction of the Jennings WWTP Improvements project complete and ready for operation. Project includes construction of new sun shade structures over the chemical storage area, permeate pump pad area, and UV disinfection area; construction of a new irrigation water flow meter vault, including installation of a new flow meter and appurtenances; and application of shotcrete to the perimeter banks of the oxidation ditch.
Modesto Jennings Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvements
Owner: City of Modesto
Date of Completion: July 2014
Contract Amount: $890,350
Contact: Rick Salinas (209) 577-5474
Modified two existing city sewage lift stations (Sumps). Included install of temporary bypass pumping systems; salvaging indicated equipment; removed existing centrifugal pumps; partial removal then abandonment of existing underground dry pump rooms that were backfilled with lean concrete (CLSM); modified existing concrete wet well structures including application of a protective lining; installing new submersible pumps and new electrical wiring and monitoring equipment; installed new valve vaults, piping, and appurtenances; furnished and installed one electrical equipment building and one electrical equipment cover; pavement restoration; installed two water meters; recycling construction debris; removal of temporary facilities; and site cleanup.
Sacramento Sump 80 & 143
Owner: City of Sacramento
Date of Completion: July 2014
Contract Amount: $806,028
Contact: Stu Williams (916) 808-1410
Project included installation of partial building, roof and lime silo system demolition; building addition and roof construction; chemical feed systems construction, heating and ventilating systems installation, plus related plumbing, electrical and instrumentation and construction sequencing all as required for work within a continuously operating water treatment facility.
EID Chlorine Conversion: Reservoir A Water Treatment Plant
Owner: El Dorado Irrigation District
Date of Completion: May 2014
Contract Amount: $1,403,270
Contact: Bob Rice (530) 642-4079
Installation of new 800KW emergency generator and the electrical infrastructure required to support the install including automatic transfer switch, load bank and distribution panel. New generator was housed within an enclosure and was connected to PG&E on the site – increased emergency power capacity by thirty-five percent. Neuroscience Center’s electrical improvements included aluminum wires at the main electrical rooms. Work included relocation of existing undersized 50KW emergency generator from the Center to the Annex’s fenced enclosure.
UC Davis Neuroscience Building Emergency Power Upgrade
Owner: University of California Davis
Date of Completion: December 2013
Contract Amount: $555,540
Contact: Mike Carson (530) 754-5741
Construct sand-salt shed near Lebec at Frazier including asphalt paving, structural concrete, and pre-engineered steel building.
Frazier Sand House 07-4T3504
Owner: CalTrans Department of Transportation
Date of Completion: October 2013
Contract Amount: $810,468
Contact: Hin Hartanto (818) 262-7120
Construct New Fish Hatchery Building; consisted of new rigid frame metal building with underground utilities, plumbing, electrical system, and other miscellaneous work.
Construct New Fish Hatchery Building
Owner: State of California, Department of Fish & Game
Date of Completion: May 2013)
Contract Amount: $632,000.00
Contact: Robert Benson (916) 323-1587
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